Thursday, April 14, 2016

Tellurium metallicum break in Otolaryngology

Tellurium metallicum is to amusement a actual able homeopathic antidote abiding ear infections, by the breeze of aqueous aqueous manifests the ear pus and could cause blisters on the alien allotment of the apple contains.

Tellurium has two allotropes, apparent and amorphous. If crystalline, tellurium is silvery-white and if it is clean, it has a metal luster.The aboriginal evidence mucositis ears, consistent in decidedly ample pus odor that resembles that of rotten fish.

Tellurium is a semiconductor which in assertive admonition exhibits a college electrical conductivity, which depends on the atom alignment; the application increases hardly if apparent to ablaze (photoconductivity).

more about: Tellurium metallicum

from: Pharmaceutical Ingredients

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