Sunday, December 29, 2013

What is chitinase?

Chitinase is widely exist in nature a kind of polysaccharide containing nitrogen biological macromolecule, the main source for crustaceans such as shrimp and crabs, insects, shell and a software of animal organs (such as squid cartilage), as well as the cell walls of fungi and so on. Its reserves in the second of natural polymer on earth, it is estimated that annual amount of synthetic biological in nature can reach 1011 tons, second only to cellulose.
Generally by refining chitin, shrimp, crab shell contains about 15% of the amino group (NH2) with 85% of the flexometallic (- COCH3). Chitin insoluble in general weak inorganic acid or organic solvent, and insoluble in lye, strong only soluble in mineral acids. Chitin has a strong hygroscopicity, moisturizing effect is also quite good, and have the function of the adsorption of heavy metal ions.
What is chitinase:  Chitinase  and chitosan, are crustaceans such as shrimp, crab, insects and other invertebrates in the shell carapace of chitin, the acetylation off (extraction) of a kind of natural polysaccharide polymer body, animal food fiber. Chitin to take off the higher the degree of acetylation, play a physiological effect is stronger, ShangHe chitin have acyl degree can reach to more than 90%. International society for medical nutrition food named a substance except sugar, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals and the five elements of the sixth largest life after life, more and more attention, therefore, it is completely different from general natural nutrition, it is chitin. Advantages: (1) the uniqueness: natural interface only positive reactive group of cellulose.

More about:Chitinase manufacturer
From:Natural herbal extracts

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