Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Acyclovir impurity some utility

Acyclovir impurity is a synthetic purine nucleoside analogs. Caused by herpes simplex virus is mainly used for a variety of infections that can be used in primary or recurrent skin, mucous membranes, genital herpes infection and immunodeficiency HSV infection occurred. For the treatment of HSV encephalitis drug of choice to reduce morbidity and mortality are better than vidarabine. Can be used for herpes zoster, EB virus, and immune deficiency complicated by infections such as chickenpox. Local only for skin, Acyclovir impurity skin absorb less.

1 herpes simplex virus infection: oral genital herpes infection for primary and recurrent cases; cases of recurrent oral on the materials used for prophylaxis. Injection for the immunocompromised. Onset and recurrent mucocutaneous infections and prevention of recurrent cases; also used for the treatment of herpes simplex encephalitis.
2 herpes zoster: oral for normal immune function with herpes and immunocompromised mild cases of treatment. Injections for severe immunocompromised patients with herpes treatment.
3 immunocompromised chickenpox treatment.
4 topically to herpes simplex virus-induced early genital herpes infection and immunodeficiency self-limiting mucocutaneous herpes simplex initial treatment and recurrence.
5 with its sodium treatment of acute retinal necrosis. Nucleotide antiviral drugs for the treatment of:
① herpes simplex keratitis;
② herpes simplex;
③ with herpes;
④ with its sodium salt treatment of acute retinal necrosis. Mainly for the herpes simplex virus and zoster virus causes superficial, deep keratitis.

More about:Acyclovir impurity manufacturer
From:Poly peptides

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